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Trinity Farm

The Trinity Farm

…we cultivate and… experiences & memories

From the field to the kitchen ...

tl (88)

Agrotourism & Getaways

This is a unique environment for a number of reasons.
We are located in the heart of the Thessalian plain, and yet we are in one
altitude 500 μ, in an area whose terrain you can never
habits or get bored - hills and slopes and flat plots of land
alternate, the arable land colored according to
crops and the season alternates with barren land, uncultivated, that did not
has been trampled by a wheeler and she also follows the seasons with one
her own way.

There, among oaks and oaks, wild pears and wild almonds, wild grasses and herbs, all native, our human intervention was to start an extensive orchard by planting a few olives and a few apple trees, figs, pomegranates and grafting the stalks to give us day pears to delight ourselves and our guests. And, adding a little more touch, we planted about 2500 trees and shrubs-plane trees, acacias, crops, pine trees, oleanders, poplars, gossip and much more for our friends to take refuge, the birds, and to balance our own

This little earthly paradise, we could not help but
behave with respect. Beyond gratitude for her offer
of nature, we are overwhelmed by a sense of respect for the past
generations and their struggles through, many times, difficult circumstances,
so that today we can enjoy, the 3rd generation, this natural wealth.

Thus, we chose the path of biodynamic agriculture. That meant to
turn our farm into a living organism. One
organism whose animals feed exclusively on animal feed
produced on our estate. The animals, subsequently, provide us with
raw material to nourish our earth. In that way, we produce
healthy and tasty food approved by Demeter International, while
at the same time we take care of the environment.

  • Today we are the 1st and only Greek biodynamic farm with annual crops bearing Demeter certification.

  • We work for our mother earth with respect and awe. Farm animals grow naturally, with the ability to express their ancestry and instincts and have a happy and carefree life with the best possible care.

In the context of biodynamic agriculture that we apply on our farm,
the relationship between the consumer and the farm is encouraged. In fact, this relationship constitutes
one of its main pillars. Creating a farmer-public trust relationship, the opportunity for children to know the origin of their food and to
get in touch with practices aimed at a healthy diet, the contact with
nature and environmental awareness are key parameters through
this approach. In addition, we believe in redefining values ​​and
creating human relationships and contacts.

Plan an action with us and Live - literally!

We designed for you

Our guests have the opportunity to choose from a range of actions and
activities from simple farm tours to themed activities and
seminars. Short-term activities are included, daily actions, two days.
They can visit us as part of an excursion to the wider area or
choosing exclusively our farm as their destination.

All actions and activities are designed to offer unique,
true experiences of the participants. They are addressed to everyone. Just choose from
our suggestions or make your own program.
