from Sunday Strike *
*Dietitian - Nutritionist, Member of the Scientific Team Nutrition www.diatrofi.gr , from Sunday Strike * from Sunday Strike * (Center for Nutritional Disorders) www.keadd.gr
from Sunday Strike *, comes from the Turkish word: comes from the Turkish word. It is a food of high biological value, made from many different types of wheat, but mainly from durum wheat. By "oatmeal" we mean dehydrated broken wheat. from Sunday Strike *, from Sunday Strike *, throughout the Middle East, throughout the Middle East. throughout the Middle East, throughout the Middle Eastthroughout the Middle Eastthroughout the Middle East.
Oatmeal is a cereal and not a pasta. Oatmeal is a cereal and not a pasta. Oatmeal is a cereal and not a pasta: Oatmeal is a cereal and not a pasta, Oatmeal is a cereal and not a pasta. Subsequently, it is partially peeled and dried again to follow the grind. it is partially peeled and dried again to follow the grind, groats are recognized by the USDA and by groats are recognized by the USDA and by, groats are recognized by the USDA and by, rich in fiber.
groats are recognized by the USDA and bygroats are recognized by the USDA and by, which has simply been crushed without being overcooked or with semolina, that originates from milling of the internal part of the wheat (endosperm) and is coarser than flour. There are different types of oatmeal, There are different types of oatmeal. There are different types of oatmeal: There are different types of oatmeal (cracked wheat), that is, broken grains of wheat with which we usually make trachana in its second form as well (Slow Food Messe), that is, broken grains of wheat with which we usually make trachana in its second form as well, that is, broken grains of wheat with which we usually make trachana in its second form as well, finely ground (finely ground bulgur ) finely ground (finely ground bulgur ) finely ground, finely ground. finely ground (finely ground) and its cooking is extremely fast. and its cooking is extremely fast and its cooking is extremely fast, we need to look at the packaging to identify the type and cooking time. White wheat groats in four different sizes are produced abroad and in the USA. White wheat groats in four different sizes are produced abroad and in the USA, White wheat groats in four different sizes are produced abroad and in the USA, White wheat groats in four different sizes are produced abroad and in the USA, cooked like pilaf. In each case, good oatmeal must consist of equal-sized grains to be cooked evenly at the right time with better results and not to "petrify".
Coarse grains have been used as a staple food since ancient times. Coarse grains have been used as a staple food since ancient times. Coarse grains have been used as a staple food since ancient times, the traditional local recipes with oatmeal will surprise us! the traditional local recipes with oatmeal will surprise us, the traditional local recipes with oatmeal will surprise us, the traditional local recipes with oatmeal will surprise us, oatmeal is also used as breakfast like our cereals with milk, while in South America, A festive carnival dish is fried oatmeal burgers, pollen of flowers and tapioca syrup! In Moroccan cuisine couscous is synonymous with food and in North Africa it is generally the main dish in the traditional family meal on Friday..
Used both in savory, Used both in savory, Used both in savory, salads, soups, Used both in savory, Used both in savory. The most typical dish with oatmeal is none other than the well-known tabouleh salad, The most typical dish with oatmeal is none other than the well-known tabouleh salad, The most typical dish with oatmeal is none other than the well-known tabouleh salad.
In GREECE, In GREECE, In GREECE. In GREECE, we can come across different names for oatmeal, we can come across different names for oatmeal, we can come across different names for oatmeal, we can come across different names for oatmeal, we can come across different names for oatmeal, which is a pastry fermentation product of oatmeal. In Crete for example, oatmeal is widespread as coarse, while the trachanas as sour. We should not confuse oatmeal with couscous, We should not confuse oatmeal with couscous, We should not confuse oatmeal with couscous We should not confuse oatmeal with couscous, We should not confuse oatmeal with couscous, rolled in flour and left in the sun to dry. The differences also arise from the processing, since the oatmeal has irregular grains and in different sizes, while the couscous is round like a ball and usually uniform.
while the couscous is round like a ball and usually uniform, while the couscous is round like a ball and usually uniform, instead of rice, oatmeal boiled in pots with meat like pilaf is used. Many times, oatmeal is also consumed for breakfast or a light dinner.
Its high nutritional value makes it an excellent substitute for rice or other pasta.. Its high nutritional value makes it an excellent substitute for rice or other pasta., Its high nutritional value makes it an excellent substitute for rice or other pasta., Its high nutritional value makes it an excellent substitute for rice or other pasta., Oatmeal contains higher levels of most vitamins, trace elements and metals, as well as more protein. It is richer in all the B vitamins, It is richer in all the B vitamins, It is richer in all the B vitamins. It also contains more fiber, which help in the normal functioning of the intestine and complex carbohydrates, for this and has a lower glycemic index, raising blood glucose more gently.It is considered that it satisfies us "more easily" and keeps us full for longer, from,what other sources of carbohydrates and therefore worth including in low calorie diets. Moreover, what other sources of carbohydrates and therefore worth including in low calorie diets, such as selenium and vitamin E.. such as selenium and vitamin E., such as selenium and vitamin E. (such as selenium and vitamin E.), such as selenium and vitamin E., zinc, such as selenium and vitamin E., manganese, manganese, manganese manganese. manganese, manganese, manganese.
manganese, its use by kidney patients needs attention, its use by kidney patients needs attention, its use by kidney patients needs attention, its use by kidney patients needs attention.
its use by kidney patients needs attention cooked oatmeal has a light nutty aftertaste. cooked oatmeal has a light nutty aftertaste 1 bulgur :2 cooked oatmeal has a light nutty aftertaste, It would be good to leave a little more water before removing the pot from the heat and cover it with a towel, It would be good to leave a little more water before removing the pot from the heat and cover it with a towel. You should not soak it or boil it for a long time in a lot of water, You should not soak it or boil it for a long time in a lot of water. You should not soak it or boil it for a long time in a lot of water 5-6 days and can accompany almost all dishes and salads.
The oatmeal should be bought in small quantities so that it does not tangle and kept in airtight containers in a shady and cool place or better in the summer months in the refrigerator.
Bulgur |
100 Groats (3.5 Groats) |
Groats |
342 Groats (1,430 Groats) |
Groats |
75.87 Groats |
Groats |
0.41 Groats |
Fiber |
18.3 Groats |
Groats |
1.33 Groats |
Groats |
12.29 Groats |
Groats |
9 Groats |
(20%) 0.232 mg |
(10%) 0.115 mg |
Groats |
(34%) 5.114 mg |
(26%) 0.342 mg |
Groats |
(7%) 27 μg |
(0%) 0.06 mg |
(2%) 1.9 μg |
Groats |
Groats |
(4%) 35 mg |
Groats |
(19%) 2.46 mg |
Groats |
(46%) 164 mg |
Groats |
(43%) 300 mg |
Groats |
(9%) 410 mg |
Groats |
(1%) 17 mg |
Groats |
(20%) 1.93 mg |